

Covid 19


Covid 19
Covid 19

Widespread infectious pandemic and transmittable disease termed as COVID-19 is caused by an infectious virus that is known as Coronavirus. This transmittable and widespread pandemic disease directly attacks the lungs resulting in reducing the lung’s capacity, causing shrinkage of lungs. In this condition, the patient finds difficulty in breathing which may ultimately leads to death.

Evolution of this Pandemic:

Contagious Pandemic, COVID-19 was first time experienced in Wuhan city of China at the end of December 2019. With no time, this precarious outbreak spread hell for leather in other countries of America, Europe, Australia & Asia including Pakistan.

Second Layer of Corona:

After continuously fighting the backbreaking battles of all times with coronavirus, there was a time when this perilous disease was controlled to some extent. Then in no time almost at the end of 2020, the second layer of Corona appears rapidly and this time with the more infectious and disastrous power. Now again all the countries are under the influence of this disastrous virus and striving hard to get rid of it.


COVID-19 is basically a transmittable disease that can transferred from one person to another. This precarious infected disease is transmitted in the form of tiny droplets when an infected person Sneezes, Cough and Speaks.

It may transfer when we touch infected places and then with the same hands, we touch our face, eyes, and nose without washing.

Covid 19 symptoms
Covid 19 symptoms


Symptoms of this precarious transmittable disease vary from person to person. Let’s have a look at the symptoms of this threatening disease:

·         Headache

·         Dry Cough

·         Fever

·         Loss of taste

·         Aches and Pains

·         Loss of smell

·         Nasal Congestion

·         Difficulty in breathing

·         Diarrohea

·         Tiredness

·         Redness of eyes

·         Skin Rashes

·         Muscle Fatigue

·         Chest Pain

How to protect ourselves from this Precarious Virus??

As a human being, Allah has given us a sense that we can predict what is good or bad for us. It’s human nature to protect oneself from the harmful things, Similarly, Coronavirus is also an untreatable and disastrous widespread disease. We should protect ourselves and takes certain precautionary measures as it is well said that:

‘Prevention is better than cure’

Let’s have a look at the certain measures we should adopt to protect ourself:

·         Wash your hands with soap after some interval

·         Use a good sanitizer

·         Avoid touching your face, eyes and nose

·         Avoid public gatherings

·         Social distancing

·         Stay Home if you are feeling unwell

·         Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, it may weaken your lungs

·         Fewer interactions

·         Cover your mouth and nose while sneezing and coughing

·         Drink Hot Water

Death Rate:

The widespread coronavirus has disastrous effects on human lives as well on the world’s economy. It causes the deaths of millions of peoples, According to surveys and world health organization, total corona cases occurred are almost up to 87.2M. Among these 87.2M cases, only 48.8M people recovered while almost 1.88 M died. Let’s have a look at the list of some countries showing the survival and mortality rates:





United States

Approx. 21.4M




Approx. 7.87M

Approx. 7.03

Approx. 199K



Approx. 10M




Approx. 2.68M

Approx. 198K

Approx. 66282


Approx. 495K

Approx. 451K

Approx. 10511


What lifestyle should be adopted??

An infectious and widespread pandemic disease not only affects the world economy and human life but also affects the lives of people badly by stocking them in their houses. This pandemic totally changes the lifestyle of people. People adopted a sedentary lifestyle and become unconscious of their diet and become unfit and unhealthy. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle as it causes so many diseases. Fitness is a very essential element in human life and plays a vital role as Health is wealth.

Mental, social, and emotional health plays a vital role in overall fitness. Physical and mental fitness is generally achieved through:

ü  Proper diet

ü  Exercise

ü  Stress-free life

ü  Positive thinking

D-I-E-T is the key element in fitness, so choose a balanced diet that is full of nutrition that nourishes your mind and body and makes you fit and active. Make complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and a wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables part of your diet.

Drink plenty of water and fresh juices to prevent dehydration as water is a natural wrinkle buster. Intake of plenty of water:

ü  Clears your skin

ü  Fight against infections

ü  Boost your energy level

E-X-C-E-R-C-I-S-Also plays a very important role in your fitness. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle and spending almost 30 minutes daily on exercise. Skipping rope for 10 minutes can burn 100 calories. There are different forms of exercises that can make you fit and active:

ü  Brisk walk

ü  Squats

ü  Pushups

ü  Lunges

S-T-R-E-S-S is the feeling of emotional or physical tension and is the worst element for your health. It disturbs you mentally and in response to stress, your brain releases harmful stress hormones that can increase your B.P and causes many other heart problems. so avoid stress.

What Countermeasures are taken by the Government during this pandemic??

The government is trying its best to come out of this pandemic. All the medical staff is advised strictly to perform their duties and the medical staff is really doing their best. The government strictly advised the public to use masks in public places and avoid gatherings. The number of equipment like Ventilators and medicines have also increased that can meet the need of the peoples. Government also ordered to put penalties on not wearing the masks and on public gatherings too.

How Medical Staff proved to be a great warrior during this pandemic??

All the Doctors and nurses are giving a strict 24 hours duty for dealing with the patients. All the medical staff proved to be a great warrior during this pandemic as they tried their best to survive the lives of the people. They performed their duty with great honesty and with a full heart. During the survival of other peoples infected by this coronavirus, several doctors and nurses also lose their lives. The battle is still going on and hopefully, we’ll get rid of this disastrous pandemic soon.












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